Friday, January 17, 2014

Junior Muzzy Buck

Muzzleloader hunting was a new twist to deer hunting for Kylie McGee, but after some practice she found she could shoot her muzzleloader as good as she could shoot any other rifle.  This December hunt showed its own challenges with the weather and the fact that the distance had to be closed in order to get a good shot!

The days ticked by, several bucks were watched and passed, its fun to watch a young buck chase his does back and forth on a hillside, even if he isn’t quite what you’re looking for.  Early mornings were spent watching deer on hillsides and along ridge tops, then a quick lunch out of a can or cooked up with a Jetboil, then finishing the day looking at more deer with an occasional stalk to try and bring the muzzleloader to range of a decent buck.
Part way through the hunt, Kylie invited friend Baily Schriener to tag along and help out with the hunt.  A monster wasn’t necessarily what Kylie was after, but if a monster appeared he would be in serious trouble, what Kylie wanted was a decent buck and a good time.

Toward the tail end of the hunt is when it happened.  After returning to the truck from a short hike to get a better look at a group of deer, Kylie jumped out of the passenger seat to open a gate.  As she held the gate open for the truck, she glanced up on the hill and saw a group of deer watching her, and with the deer was a buck she liked!  She got everyone’s attention and grabbed her muzzleloader.  After she was set up, the deer settled down, and the buck returned to harassing his does!  Kylie settled in for the shot and waited for the buck to stop in an opening so she could take a shot.  The deer disappeared behind the trademark smokescreen of the muzzleloader as the shot rang out!  As the smoke cleared, Kylie could see that the buck was hit hard!  The buck began to wobble away as another load was crammed down the barrel of the gun.  Just as the gun was loaded for a second shot, the buck toppled over!  Kylie and Baily walked up to Kylies first muzzleloader buck! With big grins and a little giggling, the girls posed together for some great shots of Kylies buck.  Congrats!

Saturday, January 4, 2014

A Little on 2013!

2013 was, as expected, a great year for hunting.  We logged in countless hours scouting, preparing, and hunting, and met a lot of great new folks while hanging out with family and old friends.

We saw a pretty good year of lion hunting, considering we had a ton of other hunts that took up a large majority of our time!
Chris Reinesch made due with what was probably the largest tom killed during our 2013 lion hunting adventures.  His patience paid off on a monster Tom!

While Chris’s lion may have been the largest we killed in ’13, he wasn’t the largest one we caught.  During a “catch and release” day, we were able to get awesome pictures and video of a truly monster Tom!

Terry Gray made due with a great Tom with his son Gary along to watch it all go down.

Another lion worth mentioning is a small “catch and release” lion that ended with a great pic of Craig and Carson Stephens with the small female glaring down on them!

Elk season was a blast as it usually is.  Bryant McGee Sr. was able to make due with a 360 class bull on the opening morning of the archery hunt.  This was the seventh bull called in that morning.
Brady Shultz had a frustrating time with bulls that were in range or nearly in range before he finally connected good on a 6X6 at 42 yards!

A late season hunt produced a 350 class bull...

…and Mac turned old enough to hunt and took her first big game animal ever!

Jamie and Mike Goad were able to take two great bucks at the same time during the general rifle hunt as both bucks tried to leave a canyon across from everyone.

Bryant McGee Jr. let the air out of a 4X4 at 654 yards!

Then it was time to focus on P.T. Carters sheep hunt!  What a great year to be a sheep hunter, and P.T. made good with a huge 168 3/8” Ram!

Shortly after P.T. connected on his sheep, we finished the year off with a quick archery Mule Deer hunt with Brandon…

Better stories on these hunts will show up in the future, and some of these hunts will be featured in one of our upcoming DVD’s (Just Hunting)!  So stand by, and good luck in 2014!